
Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

mengirim nilai / data antar form ( Form1 ke form2 / form2 ke Form1)

Jika project yang dibuat mempunyai jumlah form lebih dari satu, masalah yang akan timbul adalah bagaimana mengirim nilai dari from1 ke form 2 atau sebaliknya, dari form2 ke form1. Passing nilai antar form ini pasti akan digunakan jika berkerja dengan multiple form, pada tutorial kali ini akan dipelajari bagaimana melakukan passing (pengiriman) nilai dari form1 ke form2 ataupun sebaliknya, Seperti biasa siapkan form untuk project yang akan dibuat. file->new project, nama project diisi dengan nama yang diinginkan. 

langkah 1: pada kali ini ada langkah yang berbeda dari tutorial sebelumnya, kali ini form2 akan ditambahkan kedalam project yang tadi telah dibuat. caranya adalah klik menu project pada menu bar, pilih add windows form. Setelah itu akan muncul kotak dialog, langsung klik ok saja

langkah 2: form2 telah ditambahkan ke project, pada form 1 tambahkan dua label, dua textbox dan satu button, atur sedemikian rupa sehingga tampilannya seperti gambar berikut

Gambar1. Desain aplikasi program 

Langkah 3: Pada form2, atur sedemekian rupa sehingga tampilannya seperti dibawah ini, untuk komponen yang digunakan sama persis dengan komponen-komponen yang digunakan pada form1.
Gambar2. Preview hasil running program

langkah 4: Pada konstruktor form2. edit menjadi seperti code dibwah ini (Jika belum mengerti tentang konstruktor silahkan klik disini

Lanlah 5: pada button kirim yang ada di form1. tambahkan kode berikut ini


Langkah 6:  Pada Event form2_load pada form2. tambahkan kode berikut ini


Sekarang running project, jika langkah-langkah diatas dilakukan dengan benar maka project yang dibuat ini mampu melakukan passing nilai string dari form1 ke form2. bagaimana jika ingin mem-passing nilai dari form2 ke form 1? ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini

langkah 7: tambahkan code berikut ini pada form2. letaknya bebas, tidak ada aturannya, tapi disarankan letakkan code ini dibawah konstruktor.


Langlah 8: Atur nilai dialog result di button 1 pada form2 menjadi OK. caranya klik properti pada button1, cari properti dialogresult. ganti nilainya menjadi OK. perhatikan gambar dibawah ini

Gambar 3. Jendela properties form2

 Langkah 9: Modifikasi source code pada button kirim yang ada di form1. rubah semua code di event tersebut menjadi seperti berikut ini


Langkah 10 : Selesai, running program. Jika langkah-langkah diatas dilakukan dengan benar, maka program ini sekarang tidak hanya bisa melakukan passing/pengiriman nilai dari form1 ke form2, akan tetapi juga bisa melakukan passing balik, dari form2 ke form 1

Jika langkah-langkah diatas dilakukan dengan benar, kurang lebih hasil running program seperti berikut ini.

Gambar 3. Program pertama kali dijalankan

Gambar 4. Proses Passing dari Form 1 ke Form2

Gambar 5. Proses Passing nilai dari Form2 ke Form 1

Gambar 6. Hasil passing dari Form2

Untuk lebih memudahkan dalam memahami tutorial ini, silahkan perhatikan step by step pembuatan program dibawah ini, serta download full project. Link full project ada di dalam video. 

Download Full Project: Link Download full project ada di Video tutorial di bawah ini.

91 komentar:

  1. You're very welcome.

    okfan rizal ferdiansyah

  2. Maaf saya baru belajar C#. yang saya ingin tanyakan mengirim data antar 2 form namun data yang satunya di tampilkan pada datagrid.

    Sebelumnya saya ucapkan terimah kasih untuk tutorialnya... karena seikit manambah pemahaman saya.

    Salam kenal Dan

  3. Semangat-Belajar C#5 Desember 2011 pukul 19.08

    salam kenal juga..
    Hem... begini.. sebelumnya harus mengerti tentang konsep OOP (Object Oriented Programing) paling tidak mengerti tentang konsep Konstruktor.Konstruktor adalah sebuah function pada OOP yang akan dieksekusi pertamakali saat program dijalankan, jika suatu program tidak ada konstruktornya maka default konstruktornya adalah kosong. jadi tidak mungkin sebuah program tidak ada konstruktornya.

    trus hubunganya dengan pertanyaan saudara adalah untuk mengirim nilai dari form satu ke form dua dan menampilkan nya ke ke datagrid adalah lewat konstruktor. jadi setelah niali dipassing ke form dua via kontruktor langsung ketik dikonstruktor tersebut kode untuk menampilkannya di datagridview. semoga bisa membantu.
    jika kurang jelas. jangan sungkan sungkan bertanya.

    Berbagi itu Indah... :-D

  4. tolong kirimkan full project ke

  5. kalo misalkan ada 2 textbox yang di kirim bagaimana

  6. Oke Oke. sama sama semoga bisa membantu

  7. kalau ada dua textbox yang ingin dipassing, gunakan sedikit konsep OOP, yaitu dengan konstruktor, lebih tepatnya overloading konstruktor

    semoga bisa membantu dan bermanfaat. amin

  8. gan.. tolong kirimin yg full project ya ke
    thanks gan...
    oya kalo misalnya mengambil data dari datagrid trus menampilkannya ke text box form lain, bagaimana caranya..??

  9. untuk passing data antar form ada banyak cara yang digunakan, saya lebih sering menggunakan property dan juga konstruktor, property dan konstruktor merupakan konsep dari OOP dan sangat membantu dalam mendevelop sebuah program

  10. gan , bagi source codenya donk . . ., mantap ni gan

  11. projectnya hanya beberapa baris diatas, semuanya sudah saya post diatas

  12. gan bagi full project nya...

  13. kirim full donk gan

    kirim yang full yah gan

  15. untuk project ini hanya terdiri dari beberapa baris source code,
    jadi projectnya tidak saya simpan. silahkan ikuti langkah langkah diatas ya...
    semoga bisa bermanfaat dan berguna

  16. untuk full projectnya sudah disent ke email atau langsung download disini semoga bisa bermanfaat dan berguna

  17. atau langsung download di link berikut ini

  18. full project sudah di send ke email. atau langsung silahkan download di link berikut ini terimakasih semoga bisa bermanfaat dan berguna


  20. full project silahkan langsung download disini terimakasih. Semoga bisa bermanfaat dan berguna

  21. full project sudah disent ke email. atau silahkan download langsung melalui link berikut ini terimakasih. Semoga bisa bermanfaat dan berguna


  23. full project silahkan di download di link berikut ini
    terimakasih, semoga bisa membantu dan bermanfaat

  24. terimakasih banyak, sangat membantu..:)





  29. kk aq bikin code kayak gini

    textBox1.Text = "ayaaaam \n goreng";

    tp waktu diliat di textbox1 malah ga ada enter na..
    jadinya " ayam goreng " gt aja... gmn sih caranya biar bisa bikin newline
    klo ada jawaban kirim ke email q ya.. maap dan terimakasi

  30. csharp-indonesia.com23 Maret 2013 pukul 12.31

    untuk membuat newline memang code yang digunakan adalah "\n".
    berikut ini adalah code yang saya coba jalankan di IDE Visual Studio 2010

    MessageBox.Show("Tes \n Ganti Baris");

    Dan hasilnya seperti pada gambar

  31. csharp-indonesia.com23 Maret 2013 pukul 12.44

    sebelumnya saya minta maaf atas keterlambatan sent project,
    berhubung mail server sedang bermasalah silahkan download full project di link berikut ini

    Untuk cara download, silahkan buka link diatas. maka akan muncul halaman adl.fl tunggu beberapa detik hingga tulisan pada pojok kanan berubah menjadi skip. Klik button Skip


  32. csharp-indonesia.com23 Maret 2013 pukul 12.47

    sebelumnya saya minta maaf atas keterlambatan sent project,
    berhubung mail server sedang bermasalah silahkan download full project di link berikut ini

    Untuk cara download, silahkan buka link diatas. maka akan muncul halaman adl.fl tunggu beberapa detik hingga tulisan pada pojok kanan berubah menjadi skip. Klik button Skip


  33. csharp-indonesia.com23 Maret 2013 pukul 12.51

    sebelumnya saya minta maaf atas keterlambatan sent project,
    berhubung mail server sedang bermasalah silahkan download full project di link berikut ini

    Untuk cara download, silahkan buka link diatas. maka akan muncul halaman adl.fl tunggu beberapa detik hingga tulisan pada pojok kanan berubah menjadi skip. Klik button Skip


  34. csharp-indonesia.com23 Maret 2013 pukul 12.51

    sebelumnya saya minta maaf atas keterlambatan sent project,
    berhubung mail server sedang bermasalah silahkan download full project di link berikut ini

    Untuk cara download, silahkan buka link diatas. maka akan muncul halaman adl.fl tunggu beberapa detik hingga tulisan pada pojok kanan berubah menjadi skip. Klik button Skip


  35. kang bisa bikinin untun transfer antar form pada visual basic?

  36. kaka, kalau from2 itu bentuknya data di datagrid cara transfer datanya gmna??

  37. gan giman cara memasukkan data dari dbgrid ke form yang lain dan di edit di form yang lain dan di simpan lagi di form semula......

  38. Kalau memindah data textbox ada dua bagaimana, mohon bantuannya. terima kasih.


  40. mas ini cman buat 2 form aja??
    soalnx sya mau cba panggil form ke 3 g bisa???
    tolong pencerahannya

  41. untuk 2 form, 3 form, atau 4 form secara konsep tetap sama, hanya saja passing yang berkaitan tetap 2 form


  43. kalau data yang ingin di passing ada dua, silahkan modifikasi pada argumen konstruktornya, kalau ingin tiga data yang dipassing maka argumen pada konstruktor ada tiga, dan seterusnya

  44. gan cara menghubungkan antar form misalnya login trus ntar muncul form lainya itu gmana gan
    mohon pencerahannya

  45. gan tolong Kirim full projecknya ?
    ini emai saya :

  46. maksudnya argumen pada konstruktor yg mana ya mas ? makasih infonya

  47. permisi gan mau nanya, klo textboxnya lebih dari satu gimana ya ? konstruktor nya gimana ? terimakasih

  48. Seppp suksesss...thx u, posting yg bermanfaat.

  49. klo untuk gmn?
    mohon bantuannya terima kasih

  50. terima kasih gan, sangat membantu sekali,...
    tapi ada yang ingin saya tanyakan, data yang saya kirim berupa data serial. saat run pertama kali data di form yang berbeda sudah diterima namun saat form pertama update data serial, data di form yang berbeda tadi tidak berubah dan tetap menampilkan data serial pertama kali,. solusi atau cara biar data tersebut tetap update sesuai data pertama secara terus menerus bagaimana ya gan?
    terima kasih...

  51. Eyewear specialists Cassius have just released a second version of their Tange model sunglasses. Incorporating key elements found on the Kenzo bvlgari glasses frames Tange’s 1946 Tokyo Olympic design, the shades are aviator style, with gently tinted lenses. The acetate frame is designed as a modern version of a more gucci glasses traditional frame which again is a reference to the Japanese architect’s work that the model is named after. The Cassius Tange comes in black, graphite and mens marc jacobs sunglasses walnut with brown mono, dark green mono or clear rx lenses, with each color limited to just 300 pieces. The sunglasses are now available from Cassius marc jacobs glasses for $200.At the height of its popularity in the mid 20th century, Oliver Goldsmith was world renown for its sunglasses and see on the faces of d&g sunglasses for ladies many celebrities. After a hiatus of two decades, the brand returned and picked up right where it left off, a brand dedicated to hand-crafted eyewear. In where are coach sunglasses made a collaboration seen here, Hong Kong boutique VISUAL CULTURE create a capsule of sunglasses based on the Inegma 1966 model. Its unorthodox shape is balanced out louis vuitton sunglasses with some traditional colors including black and tortoise shell. Available now through VISUAL CULTURE’s two branches in Causeway Bay and Tai Kok Tsui.
    Wish recently ed hardy eyeglass frames worked with Portland, Oregon-based sunglass company Shwood to craft a limited run of 50 pairs of their Govy silhouette, with a customized finish. Traditionally available in swarovski eyeglass frames an unfinished wood, Wish took the popular Govy silhouette and decked it out with a nice shellac finish. Only 50 pairs of the Wish x Shwood prada eyeglasses for men Govy were produced, with each one being individually numbered, along with the Wish Logo engraved on the inside. Each piece is hand crafted, hand-painted, and assembled karen walker sunglasses in Portland, Oregon, by the good folks at Shwood.Italian eyewear company Persol release three new colorways in the brand’s PO 714, a contemporary re-make of the carrera sunglasses iconic silhouette originally made famous by the king of cool, Steve McQueen. The shades come in three staple options, including black/green, tortoise/brown, and brown/silver, all crafted hermes sunglasses from the finest of materials and painstakingly modeled after the originals.

  52. Suwun cak...:)
    yo golek duitt ->

  53. Suwun cak...:)
    yo golek duitt ->

  54. “It says, ‘I’m not Ray-Ban, I’m Blakened,” says Hinton.24DP, an award winning Greenwich Village-based production company ray ban sunglasses sale and creative group, formally announced its expansion into a full service advertising agency today. The firm’s new addition to its business model will provide advertisers with a welcomed alternative to large and costly agencies that are synonymous with Madison Avenue.In a press statement, CEO Brian Cristiano, a sunglass hut 2008 New York Emmy? award winner [Advanced Media: Commercial] acknowledges “it is a fact that large advertising agencies have massive overhead and that their clients pay for it directly.” These high operational costs are directly correlated to their reliance upon third party vendors for production and creative ## services. As 24DP will now function as an all-in-one advertising, creative and production house, clients will doubtlessly benefit from its streamlined and very cost effective services; all campaign elements – from conceptualization to execution, and everything in between – will be handled in-house, saving businesses time ray ban aviators and money, while maximizing ROI and leveragability.
    Take a look at some of the pictures from my Coachella adventures, including the obligatory In-n-Out stop, the bags I brought and the infamous Coachella Ferris Wheel (if you ever get a chance to ride, DO IT!). Having the Twilight ray ban glasses cast sport your product is certainly no hindrance to forward progress in marketing.At least, that's been the case with a few of those companies whose goods have been featured in the Twilight series or upon its cast.With Volvo, for instance, we've seen that the vehicle models appearing discount ray ban sunglasses in Twilight and The Twilight Saga: New Moon enjoyed subsequent sales boosts which the company attributed to inclusion in the picture.The same, it seems, is true for Ray-Bans.According to a recent press release, Ray-Ban is reporting record sales for this year, and they have the Twilight films ray ban sunglasses and cast to thank for it."Ray-Ban sunglasses have long been a favorite of celebrities, and are seeing a resurgence in the younger generation, most recently amongst the stars of the ‘Twilight’ films, who have been seen wearing Ray-Ban Wayfarers in the movies and in real life."
    While ray ban clubmaster classic black Wayfarers will never go out of style, Ray Ban also currently offers a contemporary color palette allowing you to display your own style and personality. And you can even go crazy and express yourself ray ban clubmasters with the latest addition to Ray-Ban Wayfarer sunglasses in the limited edition Rare Prints. These funky prints are inspired by themes that represent the essence of Ray-Ban’s history and style. While these Ray Bans are perfect for a day at the beach, they are yet chic enough to be paired with the most cosmopolitan of ensembles.

  55. Today, Electric Daisy is a weeklong event that includes celebrity DJ parties at resorts such as the Wynn Las Vegas and a two-day conference on the dance music business at the Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, owned by the Blackstone Group. “Now they put us on their marquees,” Rotella says of the casinos.A number of Ray Ban Wayfarer blue chip investors and advertisers are backing the Rock in Rio festival, which held its first event in Brazil 30 years ago. SFX Entertainment, which co-owns the festival globally, is staging the $75 million event alongside local partners Cirque du Soleil and Ron Burkle, the billionaire Los Angeles investor. Rock in Rio has sold almost $15 million in sponsorships Oakley Eyeglasses to 63 companies including Mercedes-Benz, Corona beer, and Chilli Beans sunglasses.
    "He said, 'I needle you guys out of affection,'" Wallsten said. "I said, 'I understand that, but I don't want you to treat me any differently because of this."'Wallsten said the president said he would not treat him differently, so Wallsten encouraged him to "needle away.""He said, 'I Cheap Oakley Sunglasses will. Next time I'll just use a different needle,'" Wallsten said.Wallsten said he thought that was a pretty good line. And his only complaint is that the president didn't answer his question at the news conference.Wallsten, who is also author of a book coming out next month titled "One Party Country: The Republican Plan for Dominance in the 21st Ray-Ban Sunglasses Century," had asked about White House credibility now in the aftermath of top aide Karl Rove having been cleared in the CIA leak investigation. But Mr. Bush said he wouldn't comment with another top White House aide still facing prosecution in the case. Sunglasses are the must-have accessory for summer. But with so many shapes and styles to choose Oakley Outlet from, it's sometimes hard to determine what's right for you. Never fear, "Early Show" Style Contributor Katrina Szish has the perfect sunglasses for everyone. Szish says it is important to first determine your face shape to steer yourself towards a trend that works for you. NEW YORK -- Before you plunk down $500 for a pair of prescription eyeglasses, oakley polarized you might consider getting them online.
    “People are starting to look at sunglasses differently, as a more premium accessory,” says Hansen, whose stores offer visitors complimentary drinks and chocolates while they shop.That’s why it’s important to find a pair that suits your face shape. The size of your sunglasses should be proportional to your face size. It’s important to Ray-Ban look for frames that complement a face by softening or drawing attention away from its more prominent features. Lozac’h, for example, needed a frame that would widen his long face. Don’t look for larger frames if you have a small face and vice versa. Oval-shaped faces are symmetrical, so most styles will work. These lucky few can experiment with oakley batwolf different shapes, styles and colors.
    "UV protection is very, very important. It's like you wouldn't go to the beach without putting sunblock on your body," said Dr.

  56. Mr. Browne’s tailoring is second to none in New York. He’s a menswear designer turned to women’s wear. But the hair was more memorable than the collection on Monday, which was one amazingly embroidered suit after another, each with the shirtdress-under-the-skirt schtick. Even extraordinary workmanship becomes dull with repetition.If there was a connection to current events, it wasn’t apparent with the schoolhouse trick, moncler sale which, lacking drama or variety, fell flat. A designer as cerebral as Mr. Browne has more to say. And do. —Christina BinkleyGuests had to travel to Brooklyn to see Rag & Bone’s freewheeling mishmash of sport, streetwear, tomboy style, utilitarian and British tailoring on Monday night. Labels from Alexander Wang to Moncler Grenoble have drawn guests to Brooklyn in the past year.
    Deux ans suffisent pour voir la naissance du premier vêtement5 à base de duvet d'oie, alors destinée uniquement aux ouvriers moncler jackets women de l'usine qui la portaient par dessus leur combinaison de travail les jours de grand froid5,8,4,N 1. L'alpiniste et champion de ski alpin Lionel Terray découvre les qualités thermiques de celle-ci. Il demande la conception d'une gamme complète de produits à haute protection du froid: gants, sacs de couchage, protège-pieds, combinaison, et devient conseiller technique de la marque. Une collection ? Moncler pour Lionel Terray ? apparait. C'est aussi le début des expéditions qui associent la marque, avec le Mont Karakorum en moncler outlet 1954 par Lino Lacedelli et Achille Compagnoni, Lionel Terray l'utilise pour gravir le Makalù l'année suivante avec Jean Couzy, ainsi que l'expédition en Alaska neuf ans plus tard.
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    WIN A DATE WITH BILL coach store CLINTON: Recently recovered from a bout of the flu and an E.coli bacteria infection, Sir Elton John on Monday night hosted former President Bill Clinton, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Sharon Stone, Daniel Craig, Lily Safra and Evelyn and Leonard Lauder, among others, at the eighth annual benefit for the Elton John AIDS Foundation. Clinton was honored and captivated the black-tie clad crowd at Cipriani Wall Street as he spoke about the work that needs to be done, particularly in developing countries, to fight HIV/AIDS. As the 42nd president accepted his award, coach factory he also teased John, “That’s a really beautiful award.

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  62. Amid rumours of a possible Victoria Beckham footwear collection, the designer took some time after her New York Fashion ray bans on sale Week success to run an errand or two around the big apple.After having sent her NY Fashion Show models down the runway with Manolo Blahnik black and white brogues, she too wowed in a pair of ray ban sunglasses his monochrome brogues. But here she opted for a lace-up version – the show brogues had featured buckles.While a pair of flats is often a rarity on Victoria Beckham, the classic aviator she wore up front cheap ray ban sunglasses sale under 30$ is something to which we're much more accustomed.Its shape is universally flattering, and fits most face types while theVictoria Beckham Classic Aviator features the signature VB earstem – faceted and with the designer's triangle logo seaked cheap ray bans for sale inside.But as always Victoria makes it work, matching exquisite black and white brogues and a dark outfit, and wrapped up in the classic teardrop that is the aviator. The aviator really suits – it's like Ray Ban Sunglassses Sale it could have been made just for her...
    Rita Ora released her debut number one single R.I.P little over a year ago. And yet she’s had more (fashion) hits than the most established pop stars. Here cheap ray ban sunglasses she hits another stylish note in mirrored Ray-Ban 3025 Aviators (identical to those she wore in December but with blue lenses). With these shades she wears leather trousers and an oversized knit, in which she looks ray ban outlet stores effortlessly chic. But it’s her sunglasses rather than her outfit making her look.Aviators are what Ray-Ban does best. And this latest version of their 3025 model is their best ever. Breathing new life into their teardrop ray ban wayfarer shaped frame are the lenses. In mirrored blue they’re more striking and glamorous than ever. The matte gold frame enriches their vibrant shade (our biggest colour crush this season). The Ray-Ban signature is etched onto Ray Ban Outlet their exterior confirming authenticity. But people will be too busy admiring the rest of these sunglasses to notice. We love how Rita wears her signature red pout with these frames. And with her blonde tresses creates Ray Ban Sale the perfect primary colour combo. Other fans of this particular style include Nicky Hilton, Alessandra Ambrosio, and rbodm

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  69. Buy Cow /Ox Gallstone Available On Stock Now @ (WhatsApp: +237673528224)

    -Full substance,
    -100% machine flayed
    -No ticks, no scratches, no humps
    -Size: 32 to 40 sq. ft.
    -Average size: 36 sq. ft.
    -Weight: 22kgs to 32kg
    -Average weight: 25kgs
    -Selection: 80% A/B, 20% C/D
    -Male 75% / Female 25%
    -1 x 40 container = 1700-2000 hides
    -Availability: 10 x 40 ft container
    - Impurity: No sand, No dust, No mud, No foreign object, no fats and no meat
    - Not available: No hair slip problem, No rotten Hides, No fats and meat on the Hides, No

    - No Holes, No Cuts, No Reheated,
    -Sand: non and clean from any other dust or mud.

    All Inquiries Below

    WhatsApp: +237673528224

    Cow /Ox Gallstones


    Cow /Ox Gallstones for sale for (wholestone / brokenstone ratio is 80% / 20% )
    We are full time exporters of high quality natural ox gallstone.
    Our product obtained from disease free cattle.
    We can supply up to 10 Kg. monthly. Shipment prompt by air courier (DHL).

    Price depends on the ratio of wholestone / brokenstone.

    wholestone / brokenstone ratio is 80% / 20%
    wholestone / brokenstone ratio is 70%/30%
    wholestone / brokenstone ratio is 60%/40%


    To clear heat and release toxins.
    To eliminate endogenous wind and stop convulsions.
    to resolve phlegm and promote resuscitation.If you wish to try out what we
    have,then we will be so much so pleased to get your inquiry.
